Preaching Links 7.12.13

I am constantly in search of good articles on preaching to gain both wisdom and inspiration from others.

I also figure that if something is helpful to me, challenges my thinking, or inspires me, then it will probably do the same for some of you too.

Preaching Articles

Every day I share my favorite articles  on Facebook and Twitter. But I know that we as pastors are busy people. You probably don’t have time to sit around and read every tweet or status update I throw out there.

So, in case you missed it…

My favorite preaching articles this week:

Always Preach for a Specific Response

Rick Warren writes a great article on why every sermon should have a specific desired response from the listeners. As a result from hearing the text: What do you want them to think? What do you want them to feel? What do you want them do?

4 Benefits of an Annual Preaching Calendar

This is a solid article on why you should have an annual preaching calendar, along with a bonus free download of a sample calendar. An annual preaching calendar provides leadership, confidence, increased creativity, and reduced anxiety. (If you are interested, I have also have written more about this topic)

How Many Hours Does a Pastor Work Each Week?

How many hours do you work each week? Thom Rainer took an informal Twitter survey and found that: 3% work less than 40 hours, 47% work 40-49 hours, 40% work 50-59 hours, 7% work 60-69, and 3% work 70+.

10 Things Every Christian Should Know About Islam

This is a great quick summary of Islam and how Christians should understand it and react to it. This would be very helpful resource for many people in our churches to learn more about Muslims.

4 Frameworks for Church Service Review Meetings

Do you evaluate your church services every week? This is a very practical article on different ways to evaluate your church services along with questions you should be asking. A good resource if you want to get started, or need ideas to keep your evaluations fresh.

Have a great weekend!

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