Preaching Links 8.23.13

Happy Friday everyone!

Are you ready for the weekend?

Here are a few goodies to help inspire you.

Preaching Articles

Some of my favorite preaching articles this week:

6 Psychological Secrets to Public Speaking

Some very interesting insights that psychology teaches us about public speaking:

  1. We follow leaders.
  2. We instantly read people.
  3. We assign meaning to body movement.
  4. We pay attention to vocal tone.
  5. We imitate emotions.
  6. We sync brain patterns when listening.

Preaching in the Face of Suffering

Really good interview with Max Lucado about his newest book, You’ll Get Through This, as well as tips on how he preaches, collects stories, and advice he would give young preachers.

Definitely worth the read.

Writing a Sermon is Like Building a House

Good analogy on how building a house compares to writing a sermon:

  1. Pick the best place to build.
  2. Have enough power.
  3. Follow the blueprints.
  4. Lay the foundation.
  5. Frame it out.
  6. Close the gaps.
  7. Dress it up.

7 Surprises Since Becoming a Pastor

What has surprised you since becoming a pastor? Ron Edmondson shares his top 7:

  1. People don’t understand the role.
  2. Different opinions of how a pastor should pastor.
  3. People have no filter talking to a pastor.
  4. The job is never finished.
  5. Everything isn’t always as it seems.
  6. Sunday is coming!
  7. Some people love their pastor.

Have a great weekend. If you are preaching, get after it!

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