Preaching Links 8.3.13

We had a little trouble with the website being down a lot of the day yesterday. My apologies to anyone who tried to visit yesterday and could not.

But don’t you worry. As you can see, we are up and running again. And here are some preaching articles for your enjoyment.

Preaching Articles

Some of my favorite preaching articles this week:

How Sermons Really Get Written

This description is spot on for how I used to prepare messages. I’m guessing many of us can relate.

3 Great Reasons to Tell Stories in Your Preaching 

Three reasons are: It makes a hard truth easier to swallow. It makes the truth clearer. It makes the truth hard to forget. Plus a few good pointers at the end of the article.

What Preachers Can Learn From Waiters

As a guy who waited tables at a handful of restaurants to pay his way through Bible college, I definitely connected with this article. Solid points about how preaching is more like serving up a good meal and while giving all honor to the head chef.

9 Preaching Mistakes You Must Avoid

Here are nine mistakes pastors make when preaching and preparing to preach. A few of the mistakes: Pray too little. Study too little. Study too much. Preach too long. Preach a commentary instead of a sermon. Give too much detail.

Have a great weekend!

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