Make This Year Your Best Year

New Year's ResolutionsIt’s the new year, which means one of two things:

  1. You have made a bunch of resolutions that you will probably fail by February.
  2. Or you are one of the cynical people who know the statistics, so you have made only one resolution: no more resolutions.

Did you know that 46% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions have given up on them by the end of January? And only 8% of people who make resolutions actually accomplish them.

But here’s another interesting statistic you probably haven’t heardPeople who make specific New Year’s Resolutions are ten times more likely to succeed than those who don’t. (source)

Plus, 100% of people who never try never succeed. So throw aside the statistics for a moment and just dream with me.

What if you made some resolutions to improve your life and better your preaching and were able to keep them? What if you actually reached your goals?

The only way to get better is to be intentional about what we are trying to improve. For all you preachers, allow me throw out a few suggestions.

10 Suggestions (click the links to each post in this series)

  1. Set Goals. Be disciplined. Keep focused on completing reaching your goals.
  2. Get ahead on sermon planning and writing.
  3. Break bad preaching habits. Umm… like… you know?
  4. Lose weight. Be healthier, more energetic, and less self-conscious on stage.
  5. Spend more quality time with your family. Your family is your primary ministry.
  6. Grow closer to God than ever before. Improve your spiritual life.
  7. Take more risks. Experiment with preaching styles and ideas.
  8. Read more books. Readers are leaders.
  9. Better time management. Have less stress and get more done.
  10. Get away from your desk. Spend more time in the real world with real people.

Are you picturing it? What could your life be like if you accomplished some of these goals? Looks pretty good, right?

You may not accomplish all of this in 2013, but what if you really focused on one or two of them? Imagine the difference it could make.

You Can Do It

Over the next few weeks we will be digging deeper and discussing tips and tricks on each of the above resolutions. I hope you will join the conversation.

Most resolutions fail because people don’t know where to start and they start alone. So, let’s do this thing together. Are you in?

The first step to making this year your best year, is to decide that you are going to do whatever it takes to get better.

Next up, we will discuss how to make resolutions and actually keep them. Sign up for free email updates (below) so you don’t miss a thing.

Here’s to 2013. Let’s make this the best yet!

What are your resolutions this year? How could succeeding change your life?

Other Posts from the Best Year Yet Series

  1. Make This Year Your Best Year – Start Here
  2. 5 Characteristic of Goals that Work – Set Goals
  3. The Secret to Getting Ahead on Sermon Preparation – Get Ahead
  4. How to Eliminate Bad Speaking Habits. Umm… Like… You Know? – Speak Better
  5. Lose Wight; Preach Better – Healthy Body
  6. Why a Healthy Ministry Requires a Healthy Family – Healthy Family
  7. Out of the Overflow of the Heart the Preacher Speaks – Healthy Spiritual Life
  8. 41 Ways to Risky Preaching – Try Something New
  9. You Don’t Have Time Not to Read – Read More
  10. The Secret to Winning Time Management – Accomplish More of What Matters
  11. Do You Make This One Common Preaching Mistake? – Step Away From your Desk

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